Monday, February 4, 2013

Finding a Therapist

Parents and guardians sometimes asks about finding "good" clinicians for their children.  In the February 4th, 2013 Boston Globe Article "Finding the best therapist can be confusing", Patricia Wen explains the reality of looking for the right counselor.  In summary - it is advisable to always start with the primary care physician, to rule out any medical issues which may be related to the concerns.  Determining what the family's insurance will pay for is also important.  Sometimes, it takes calling a few names down the list before a family will find someone who has an opening for a new client.  But perhaps the most important piece of the puzzle is whether the child and his/her family connect with the clinician.  I often explain to families that just because one counselor is very effective with a particular child, it does not guarantee that (s)he is a good match for theirs.

The companion section - "Caregivers: Who they are and what they do" is super informative.  Please take the time to read both!  Thank you Ms. Wen!

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